
Our integrity, objectivity, independence and experience give clients the assurance that the service charge accounts represent a true and accurate record of both the financial position of the service charge as well as the expenditure incurred and that the accounts are prepared in accordance with best practice.


From our experience, we know the main challenges to overcome in the review and preparation of our market-leading accounts. Our review approach and procedures have been designed to recognise risks of misstatement and to ensure that these areas do not create unnecessary delays and are correctly reported in the final accounts.

Our attention to detail including our standard approach of 100% testing of transactions supported by specialised analytical review procedures give the best assurance that our accounts are accurate and free from material misstatement.



We prepare service charge accounts using records covering the whole spectrum from books of prime entry to state of the art property accounting software.

When it comes to client’s property portfolios, we are continually developing and updating our approach to assist the control of the service charge process. We encourage agreed upon procedures to be distributed to all client personnel from the outset. InLine is carefully tailored to mirror these procedures on a client by client basis ensuring control and transparency for delivery of a robust timetable.

We carry out our reviews in accordance with our highly developed residential service charge review programme, which includes 100% testing of transactions and encourages face to face interaction with all relevant parties to ensure efficient resolution of our queries and to ensure that all individuals benefit from our findings, improving our client’s future reporting.



From small blocks to premium estates, our residential accounts are prepared to be fully compliant with ICAEW’s Technical Release 03/11 incorporating all necessary notes ensuring the accounts are informative and transparent. In the industry the requirements of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985 are often overlooked, however our specialised review programmes ensure compliance in all aspects.

We work closely with clients to establish agreed upon procedures mirrored on our market leading InLine software to achieve distribution of accounts comfortably within six months of the service charge year end.


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