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Tenant moving out before the s21 expires

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 in Landlord, Managing Agent, News, Residential

A question was raised in The Landlord Law Newsletter about the effect of a section 21 notice, where the tenants vacates prior to the termination date.  Are the tenants required to inform the landlord that they are leaving the property?  Strictly speaking tenants ought to give notice regarding the date they intend to vacate, but if the landlord actually wants them to leave, bearing in mind that the tenants are entitled to  make a landlord pay to get a court order for eviction (which could take up to six months during which period tenants often stop paying rent), the landlord just ought to be grateful that they have gone. However, the landlord may be entitled to claim rent in lieu of notice, but it may be more trouble than it is worth to do this.

read the full article here

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